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  • Foto van schrijverMarileen van Horne

The art of photography

Another addition to the Diamond program! I had the privilege to meet Pearson, born and raised in Malawi. A country he (still) loves, but the obstacles in his life were too hard to overcome. As a child, the way he tried to cope with the struggle he faced was by drawing and art. But that transformed into capturing the moments on his phone. And here a passion was discovered: once he started capturing life with a professional camera, the world got a different perspective.

About 6 years ago he came to South Africa, trying to create an income and provide for his family. A family of 6 kids, raised by a single mother. Since his mother was the only breadwinner in the house, he took the responsibility on himself to help out. This meant not finishing school and getting a job. And this is where his incredible selflessness is shown because he told me the only reason he did not finish school was so that his siblings could. Because he is now the main source of support for his siblings because both his parents passed away.

His first job in South Africa was in a restaurant, and this is where he found another passion: food. He learned how to cook, and what food can mean. Food can create moments between friends and family, moments of happiness and bonding between people. So now he found another way to capture life and memories, not only the struggles and obstacles but also the beauty that food can create.

And this change of worldviews and perspectives is the common denominator in all his work and dreams. Because ultimately, photography is his passion and he would love to open his own modelling school, to change other peoples perspectives. Perspectives about themselves, their abilities, their journey in life, and what the world has to offer. Because helping others and being able to change a life is a (I would almost say lifestyle) way of living he has learned from his parents, one that he is very grateful for.

At 24 years old, he puts everyone in his life before himself, their happiness and prosperity are more important than his own. Even now, as a struggling young adult trying to create a life in a different country far from home, he cares more about others than himself. Because the only thing wants is to help other families and children that are facing those same obstacles he overcame as well. His perseverance, determination and curiosity, together with his talent for photography is without a doubt a recipe for success, and he cannot wait to share it with the kids in the Diamond Program!

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