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  • Foto van schrijverMarileen van Horne

Can you change the stars?

I am lucky, and I count those lucky stars every day. Why you may wonder? Because I grew up in a big 3 story house with a big yard, with a sandpit and a swing. A playground just across the street and countless friends in my neighbourhood that I could play with. Riding my bike or roller blades in the street. Sleepovers at friends where we would stay up all night watching movies (that we were not allowed to, of course) with lots of ice cream, popcorn and cooldrink. Celebrating my birthday with a big party, celebrating Christmas and Sinterklaas (the Dutch version of Santa Clause), and more presents than space in my room. My biggest worries where what my mamma made me for lunch at school or till what time I was allowed to play outside.

When I got older, I went to high school and university. I was able to study in Italy, come to South Africa, travel and explore the world. My twenties were without a doubt the best time of my life – living on my own in a different city than that I grew up in, study, go out and party, finding my place in the world and exploring what I want in life. The only worries I had now were if I would pass my exam after and what my next holiday destination would be (and when I could drop off my laundry at my parents house). I have a bright future, full of lucky stars. And everyday it seems like I get more stars, and I am creating my own Milky Way.

Now I am in my 30s and my worries are not about myself anymore. I worry about 900 kids in Wolwerivier and 5000 people in total. Kids roaming the streets instead of going to school, young people who didn’t finish high school, abuse in many different shapes and forms, parents who cannot make ends meet and who are struggling putting food on the table for their kids, no viable source of income, no ID documents and many more. Their fate is also written in the stars, but it is a different one than mine seems to be.

So that brings me back to my first sentence: it all depends on the place you were born that in a big way determine the chances you get in life, and if there are people in your life who are willing to go the extra mile and sacrifice in order to give you a better future. The first one is something that I cannot change. The latter however, is something I can actually change, I can be the one who makes an effort. And maybe I fail, maybe I succeed. But at least there is someone who tries.

Which brings me back to the future. Right now, I am working on the future of these kids, creating a new Milky Way for them. A part of that lies in my PhD, but the other part in the Diamond Program. To let these kids reach the stars, to be what they are truly meant to be, to give them everything they deserve! Just like I had when I grew up, a loving family that will do everything they can to give you all you need. And these kids are my family, the amount of godchildren I have got keeps growing. They make me smile, the show me love, and they make me want to be a better person. And I am here to return the favour.

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